When was the last time you did something for the first time?
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That girl
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Kinda miss myself, that stubborn 13 years old girl

Ini nih percobaan panjat pohon pertama kali. Itu di atas sebenernya ekspresi takut, entah kenapa jadi nyengir gitu haha. Padahal pohonnya masih rendah, tapi tetep aja dagdigdug. Bajunya aneh? Tepat. Padahal tadinya aku pake dress yang lucu halus lembut nan shiny loh *eleee. Tapi beneran kok, baju aku yang sebelumnya emang bagus banget. Gara2 bandel, maen air pake selang orang sambil lari sana-sini, jadi basah deh. Terpaksa pinjem baju ganti. Eh malah dikasih daster sama celana tanggung. Gara-gara dasternya tipis, aku lapisin kaos lagi.

Ini aku lagi dipegangin, entah pas mau naik apa udah turun. Yah, udah berapa taun yang lalu sih fotonya. Sekarang rambut aku udah ga sependek itu lagi, poni juga udah panjang. Kalo diperatiin baek2, di bawah poni jepitan itu banyak anak rambut nanggung. Itu tuh hasil potong rambut setengah2. Maksud hati pengen buat model gereges, apa daya jadinya ga karuan gitu. Masa lalu masa lalu haha.

Dina thought hard on 07.54 | back to top


Super Like
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

"Ketika huruf tak lagi menjelaskan,

dan angka tak lagi pasti meyakinkan,

Ketika otak tak lagi menjernihkan,

dan logika tak lagi sanggup menjadikannya mungkin,

Ketika langit tak lagi mencerahkan,

dan karenanya bumi tak lagi terlihat menjanjikan,


sebab hati ini masih dan akan selalu boleh percaya pada...

sebuah keajaiban.

Terinspirasi oleh sujud, syukur, dan mirakel di suatu pagi."

Puisi ini aku ambil di facebooknya senior, tanpa perubahan. Dia ga tau aku siapa, aku juga ga kenal dia. Tapi aku bener-bener suka karyanya x3

Dina thought hard on 03.41 | back to top


Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Reasons why some people are SINGLE:
1.DESTINY ADDICT-Believes in destiny.
3.BUSY PERSON-People who are workaholics
4.FRIENDSHIP THEORY-If friends, just friends.
5.X TO THE NINTH POWER-A person who can't get over a past relationship
6.FAMILY FREUD-Scared of parents.
7.HEART ATTACK-Doesn't want to get hurt.
8.WAITER-Keeps on waiting but nothing is happening.
Taken from I Love Quotes

Dina thought hard on 08.13 | back to top


On the night like this
Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Today I found some great quotes :)

Appreciate life even if it gives you the greatest heartache, because after your greatest fall, a new you will be formed. Someone who is stronger than before.
Sometimes, it’s a lie to say that you have let go of the past, nobody let go of memories. Because really, there’s no such thing as forgetting only acceptance.
I tried living as a very nice person, but there's no need to be nice. You have to be mean to survive.
If you can fly, don't stop at the sky. Because there's footprints on the moon.
If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough.
People don't change their behavior unless it makes a difference for them to do so.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Sometimes we hang on. Even if we should really let go, because sometimes the right things doesn’t always give us the right feelings.
You deserve to wear a smile in your heart. Not because of what you have or what you do, but because of who you are. Yes, you are changing each day, but you are always amazing just as you are.
Sometimes you love, and you learn, and you move on. And that’s okay.
The only dreams that matter are the only ones you have when you're awake.
It's amazing what you can do when you try.
Taken from Wisdom Quotes

Dina thought hard on 08.20 | back to top


Webcaming some weird face
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Dina thought hard on 09.20 | back to top


& I just come to ♥ this
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Dina thought hard on 09.18 | back to top


Dina thought hard on 09.02 | back to top




Long Time Ago